On 24 June 2015 the Norwegian scientist and former
vice-Chair of the European Marine Board Peter Haugan was elected Chairperson of
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). We spoke about his
vision on IOC’s future and its relevance for the Dutch government and
oceanographic society.
is now again chaired by a person from our Group of Western countries. Is that
an opportunity?
Yes I think so. The
Norwegian chairpersonship is a good opportunity to raise awareness about ocean
challenges in Norway, but also in Europe as a whole. It will certainly
strengthen Norway’s involvement in the IOC and help us align IOC priorities
with our national priorities. This can apply to the Netherlands as well.
are IOC’s biggest achievements?
IOC enabled the
establishment of the tsunami warning systems (TWS) that can save thousands of
lives. First in the Pacific Ocean (1965) and then in the Indian Ocean after a
tsunami had killed over 200.000 people there in 2004. These two systems are
working now, so the IOC’s mission of convener is mostly completed there.
However in Europe and in the Caribbean
the TWS are still under construction and IOC is still crucial to keep this
process going. Another achievement is the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).
It’s an impressive network of research vessels, satellites, tide gauges and Argo
buoys that collect data in the ocean. Without this network we would not be able
to understand the “pauses” in global warming that were measured on the land.
Thanks to GOOS we know now that global warming continues and that the heat
“disappears” in the oceans, that continue to warm up. This information is
crucial for understanding the climate problem.
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Peter Haugan (right) and Stein van Oosteren (left) |
IOC is currently having its biennial Assembly that launched the Second Indian
Ocean Expedition. Could this project also be beneficial for the Netherlands?
Absolutely. The
Netherlands could send a scientist with some equipment to participate in one of
the missions. This contribution would be beneficial to both the Dutch
oceanographic community and to the multilateral scientific undertaking itself.
And when you study ecosystem dynamics it’s indispensable to study in different
environments. The Indian Ocean could be an excellent opportunity for the Dutch
scientific community. Lastly, these missions are also opportunities for the
Netherlands to present its knowledge and technology to the world.
scientists and policy-makers complain about a disconnect between them. Do you
recognize this?
Yes I recognize this. But
first of all I don’t want to create false expectations: I think it’s very
difficult to make high level policy-makers attend the almost two weeks of the
biennial IOC Assembly. On the other hand I do think IOC can improve the
science-policy dialogue.
For example by organizing
more informal meetings in between IOC Assemblies where policy-makers can
express their needs to scientists. This could focus science and at the same
time raise political interest for ocean science. A second example is the World
Ocean Science Report that IOC just initiated. It will help decision-makers
focus their science policy by informing them on the state of our ocean science
capabilities. And lastly IOC could make a useful connection with another
important report: the World Ocean Assessment Report. These two reports – about
the state of the oceans and our knowledge of it – can provide key input for a
comprehensive discussion on what Member States can do in the regions given
their scientific capacities. IOC could initiate and host this discussion.
UN organizations deal with oceans like FAO, IMO and WMO. What is IOC’s added
value in this busy playing field?
Each of the organizations
you mention have a specific role related to their specific theme: food and
agriculture (FAO), maritime traffic (IMO) and weather patterns (WMO). IOC is
different in that it addresses ocean science in general. This makes the
IOC relevant for all these organizations. It also makes the IOC relevant as a
neutral broker when it comes to international sea conventions. For example with
regard to the UN Law of the Sea, for which IOC is already the expert body. This
general scientific role is a difficult role, but a very important one.
about other partners like the private sector? The UK Policy Brief on the future
of IOC (see this link) suggested to involve them more, for example by giving
them some sort of associate status. What do you think?
I’m not sure the best way
of involving the private sector is by giving them a formal status. We must not
forget that IOC is and remains an intergovernmental organization. But it’s true
that IOC must keep close track of the technology and knowledge that is
developed in the private sector. IOC has to think of new and better ways to
involve these capacities that are crucial for quality oceanic research.
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Nice moment: Peter Haugan elected by acclamation as Chair of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission on 24 June 2015 |
other ideas on IOC’s future will you take home after the debate on the UK
Policy Brief?
First of all the need to
focus IOC’s funding on its key mandate, which is to secure long-term ocean
observation with help from both governments and civil society. Secondly IOC
should become better at informing experts and the public about the state of the
ocean and IOC’s work.
social media be an option to boost this communication?
I’m on twitter already
(@PeterMHaugan) and I would like to consider using twitter for communication
about IOC’s work. But it’s a very quick and volatile medium. This could entail
risks because my tweets would engage the whole of IOC. For the moment I prefer
to continue to tweet on a personal title, but I might open a special account
for the IOC Chairperson in the near future.
Dutch Kingdom has six islands in the Caribbean ocean, three of which are Small
Island Development States (SIDS). What can IOC do for SIDS?
Good point. Many members
of the IOC are SIDS. Although they can’t always afford to come to IOC meetings,
the IOC should focus on them. They are the first ones to be impacted by climate
change. They should expect to benefit from IOC via the tsunami warning systems,
ocean services and capacity building.
you have a message for the Dutch oceanographic community?
Your Belgian neighbors
are very active in IOC. Belgium leads IOC’s International Oceanographic Data
and Information Exchange Programme (IODE) in Ostend. They share their knowledge
with the world via an “Ocean Teacher” programme for ocean data managers on all
continents. My advice: ask the Belgians why they chose to cooperate so closely
with IOC. The Netherlands with its strong oceanographic community could also
gain from using IOC as a gate to the rest of the world in the same way as
Belgium does. It would be good for the Netherlands and for the IOC.
By Stein van Oosteren (@Oosterenvan), Attaché at the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNESCO