Twitter: @Oosterenvan
I would like to make a
plea for more niche UNESCO twitter accounts.
I’ve heard the
argument that this “proliferation” of accounts would dilute UNESCO’s twitter
audience and eventually lose it. I think on the contrary that if UNESCO manages
this proliferation in a targeted way UNESCO would attract more followers, more different
followers, and UNESCO would also benefit more from them. Let me
More targeted, better branded
The current situation
is that UNESCO already has a number of niche accounts besides it general
@UNESCO account, like @IocUnesco, @UnescoIHE, @UNESCO_MAB, and @EFAReport. But I
think potentially powerful niche accounts could be created for topics like UNESCO’s freshwater programme IHP, UNESCO’s bio-ethics programme and it's Education or Sustainable Development programme. Other niche areas could benefit from a clearer
branding. As a matter of fact UNESCO’s flagship programme, the World Heritage
Programme, now seems to have two accounts (@HeritageUNESCO and @unescowhc) with just 101
and 36 followers and no blue/white “v” check that confirms that this is really UNESCO
World Heritage tweeting. In short: there is a big potential to gain via well-targeted and well-branded niche accounts.
Niche communication attracts new specialized
Many social media
users (like me) are looking for niche material. An ocean scientist for example
would like to learn about UNESCO’s work in the field of oceans. She doesn’t
necessarily want to be "flooded" by updates on world heritage in
danger, freedom of media etc. She needs fit for purpose material she can use
for her work. That's exactly the added value of the niche accounts I mentioned
above: they attract specific user communities that a general and diverse
account cannot attract.
And niche
communication works! Why does my colleague Alexander Verbeek
(@Alex_Verbeek) have so many followers? Besides his communication talent, it's also because he addresses a specific
community: the large group of people interested in sustainable development. Why
does David Korenfeld, the Chair of UNESCO’s IHP Council, have so many
followers? In part because he writes about meteorology, which addresses
the specific needs of a large group of people. In sum they don’t just reach out, they
target both their topic and their audience very specifically.
OECD’s successful niche accounts
I looked at the OECD’s successful
niche twitter accounts like @OECDGov and @OECD_Centre. Even a “super niche
account” like @OECD_EVALNET, which tweets about "development evaluations", already has
4.6k followers. Their tweets would probably have zero outreach if they had to
go through the general @OECD account. They might even reduce the @OECD account’s
audience: imagine what would happen if the general @UNESCO account started
tweeting regularly about neurolinguistics. Instead of filling a special need and niche, they would pollute a more general account. And
don’t underestimate the outreach of small specialized audiences: each one of
the 4.6k followers has her own specialized and well connected network.
Good tweeting triggers interaction
Another argument for
more niche accounts is that the organization can learn from them. Followers
do not only follow, they also react to tweets, especially in their field of
expertise. Take my example: I’ll be naturally tempted to correct a poorly
formulated tweet about UNESCO because UNESCO is my field of expertise. And when
an account follows me back it opens the possibility for me to interact with it
in a more discrete way via direct messaging. The result is a networking and learning experience. That’s why Barack Obama follows so
many people: he wants to know what’s going on.
It’s easier to create
this type of dynamics with specialized audiences that are strongly involved in
the niche topic. This is especially relevant for UNESCO, which is a network
organization engaged with many, very different communities in the field of
education, science, culture, communication and information. UNESCO can benefit
from good niche accounts as they can trigger useful contributions to UNESCO’s
work and even increase its network.
The “personal audience effect”
One last argument for
niche accounts: the psychological “personal audience effect”. I don’t agree
with the argument that the power of a twitter account mainly depends on its
financial means. I think it also depends on how you use your human
means. The best way to motivate staff members to tweet is to simply allow them
to have their own audience. A growing audience is no different from love and
attention: it’s a damn good motivator. It’s no secret: everybody likes “likes”
and followers, especially when they like and follow you and your
team. It’s just more motivating to develop a twitter dialogue with an audience
of people interested in your topic than to be one of UNESCO’s 1,500
staff members feeding one general @UNESCO account.
Ask Guy Berger and Irina Bokova
To test this
psychological argument just ask UNESCO’s Director of Freedom of Expression @guyberger
what he thinks. He has no less than 9,6k followers. That’s almost twice as much
as UNESCO’s water university @UnescoIHE. And Berger would be number 4 (!) on
the social media champions list of my Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see link)
which employs over 5000 people. Just ask him how he got there, if the personal
audience effect played a role. Or ask his boss @IrinaBokova if her recent and
sky rocketing audience helps her to tweet more and better. She jumped to 3k
followers in just a few weeks. I’m pretty sure they both agree.
Indeed, there is a case for specialised and generic accounts. Some of the former are likely to be personal (as mine @guyberger) and not per se the voice of UNESCO, but nevertheless useful in highlighting a specific area of work being done by the Organisation - in my case, press freedom online and offline.